Mobile Communication – spring 2008

Instructor: Dr. Yuhao Wang


Course Number:  EE 6124043

Time & Location: 2 units, Tuesday, Class 3-4(10:10-12:00 a.m.), Room 313, Graduate Teaching Building

Text Book: WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS (2005), Andrea Goldsmith of Stanford University. Download Release Beta, Please Email for Code!

Course Website:


Course Description: Wireless communications is a rapidly growing segment of the communications industry. The number of cell-phone users alone is expected to pass 1 billion worldwide within next few years, and wireless LANs is also poised to experience exponential growth. Wireless technology not only supports voice, data, and video communication between portable devices located anywhere in the world, but also provides the backbone technology for sensor networks, smart homes, telemedicine and remote learning, and automated factories and vehicles. This course will cover the fundamental wireless communication techniques that support these various applications, with a primary focus on the communication system design.



Ø         (25/2/08) First lecture: 27/2/08, see you at Room 313.

Ø         (3/3/08) The Website about EE6124043 has been set up.




Ø         Lecture 1: Overview of Wireless Communication               Slides: PDF1, PDF2, PDF3;

This lecture includes Course Introduction, What can change for mobility and Overview of Wireless Communication.


Ø         Lecture 2: Path Loss and Shadowing                                 Slides: PDF;

This lecture includes the characterizes of radio wave propagation, Path loss model/Shadowing model, Ray tracing prediction method/Empirical prediction method, Outage probability and Cell coverage Area. The main reference Website:


Ø         Lecture 3: Statistical Multipath Channel Models                 Slides: PDF;

This lecture includes Time-Varying Channel Impulse Response, Narrowband/Wideband Fading Models, Discrete-Time model and Space-Time Channel Models.


Ø         Lecture 4: Capacity of Wireless Channels                          Slides: PDF

In this lecture, we examine the capacity of a single-user wireless channel where the Tx and Rx have a single antenna.


Ø         Lecture 5: Digital Modulation and its Performance            Slides: PDF

Ø         Lecture 6: Diversity                                                             Slides: PDF

Ø         Lecture 7: MIMO Systems                                                   Slides: PDF



Coming soon…


Reference Books:

•T. S. Rappaport, "Wireless Communications: Principles & Practice," 2nd Ed., Prentice-Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2002, ISBN 0-13-042232-0.

•Jon Mark, etc., "Wireless Communications and Networking," Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0130409057; 2003.

•David Tse, etc., "Fundamentals of Wireless Communications," Cambridge University Press, 2005.

•Harri Holma and Antti Toskala (ed.), "WCDMA for UMTS: radio access for third generation mobile communications,'' Chichester; New York: Wiley, 2000. 

•John G. Proakis, "Digital communications,'' 4th ed., Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2001.

•D. Parsons, "The Mobile Radio Propagation Channel," 2nd Edition, Wiley, 2000.

•G. L. Stueber, "Principles of mobile communication,'' 2nd Ed., Norwell, MA: Kluwer, 2001.



PPT in Chinese, PDF1, PDF2,  PDF3;.




Yuhao Wang

Updated 2008-3-17