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作者:    发布时间:2016/4/27 16:07:13    最后修改时间:2018/11/4 21:37:50    来源:  

龚黎华 硕士生导师

E-mail: ncuglh@163.com

20016月毕业于江西师范大学物理学专业,20069月调入南昌大学工作,200711月晋升实验师,201112月获电子与通信工程领域工程硕士学位,201312月晋升高级实验师,20156月评聘为信息与通信工程、电子与通信工程专业硕士生导师。从事量子保密通信与光学图像加密的研究工作,在IEEE Access, Quantum Information Processing, Nonlinear Dynamics, Signal Processing, Laser Physics Letters, Optics and Laser Technology, Optics Communications等期刊上发表学术论文70多篇,其中SCI期刊论文55篇,EI论文9篇。主持承担国家自然科学基金、江西省自然科学基金以及江西省教育厅科技项目等厅级以上课题7项,参与完成国家自然科学基金、江西省自然科学基金项目多项。现为Information Sciences, Optics Express, Quantum Information Processing, IEEE Access, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Optics Communications, Optics and Laser Technology, Signal Processing, Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, China Communications, Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung ASCI期刊审稿人。论文《基于分数Mellin变换的图像加密方案》获2013年江西高校科技成果二等奖;2010年获江西省教学成果二等奖,2013年度个人获得中兴发展奖教金,1篇论文入选ESI高被引论文和热点论文。


1. 2018年国家自然科学基金项目:基于分数阶超混沌系统的彩色图像压缩加密算法研究;
2. 2015年国家自然科学基金项目:基于连续变量的多方量子对话协议及其安全性研究;
3. 2018年江西省应用研究培育计划项目:云计算环境下鲁棒性和不可见性数字水印算法;
4. 2017年江西省自然科学基金面上项目:基于混沌系统的量子图像加密方案;

5. 2014年江西省自然科学基金项目:基于连续变量的安全多方量子对话协议研究;

6. 2016江西省水信息协同感知与智能处理重点实验室开放基金重点课题:基于超混沌和压缩感知的图像加密算法;

7. 2014年上海市信息安全综合管理技术研究重点实验室开放课题:无线协同通信干扰机制与分布式空时编码研究;

8. 2013年江西省教育厅科技项目:无信息泄露的安全量子对话协议研究;

9. 2012年江西省教育厅科技项目:连续变量量子确定性密钥分配协议研究。

主要论文(* 表示通讯作者)

1. Lihua Gong, Chengzhi Deng, Shumin Pan, et al. Image compression-encryption algorithms by combining hyper-chaotic system with discrete fractional random transform [J]. Optics and Laser Technology, 2018, 103: 48-58.

2. Lihua Gong, Xiangtao He, Ruchao Tan, Zhihong Zhou. Single channel quantum color image encryption algorithm based on HSI model and quantum Fourier transform [J]. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2018, 57(1): 59-73.

3. Lihua Gong , Xiangtao He, Shan Cheng, et al. Quantum image encryption algorithm based on quantum image XOR operations [J]. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2016, 55(7): 3234-3250.

4. Lihua Gong, Hanchong Song, Chaosheng He, et al. A continuous variable quantum deterministic key distribution based on two-mode squeezed states [J]. Physica Scripta, 2014, 89(3): 035101.

5. Lihua Gong, Ye Liu, Nanrun Zhou. Novel quantum virtual private network scheme for PON via quantum secure direct communication [J]. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2013, 52(9): 3260-3268.

6. Lihua Gong, Xingbin Liu, Fen Zheng, et al. Flexible multiple-image encryption algorithm based on log-polar transform and double random phase encoding technique [J]. Journal of Modern Optics, 2013, 60(13): 1074-1082.

7. Lihua Gong, Nanrun Zhou, Liyun Hu, et al. New approach for obtaining the time-evolution law of chaotic light field in damping-gaining process [J]. Chinese Physics B, 2012, 21(8): 080302.

8. Nanrun Zhou, Yixian Wang,  Lihua Gong* , et al. Novel single-channel color image encryption algorithm based on chaos and fractional Fourier transform [J]. Optics Communications, 2011, 284(12): 2789-2796.

9. Zhenbo Yu,  Lihua Gong* , Ruhong Wen. Novel multiparty controlled bidirectional quantum secure direct communication based on continuous-variable states [J]. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2016, 55(3): 1447-1459.

10. Ruchao Tan, Tong Lei, Qingmin Zhao,  Lihua Gong* , Zhihong Zhou. Quantum color image encryption algorithm based on a hyper-chaotic system and quantum Fourier transform [J]. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2016, 55(12): 5368-5384.

11. Ye Liu, Juan Du, Jinghui Fan, Lihua Gong. Single-channel color image encryption algorithm based on fractional Hartley transform and vector operation [J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2015, 74(9): 3171-3182.

12. Ye Liu, Jun Wang, Jinghui Fan, Lihua Gong. Image encryption algorithm based on chaotic system and dynamic S-boxes composed of DNA sequences [J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016, 75(8): 4363-4382.

13. Hongmei Yuan, Ye Liu, Lihua Gong, et al. A new image cryptosystem based on 2D hyper-chaotic system [J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016, 76(6): 8087-8108.

14. Hongmei Yuan, Ye Liu*, Tao Lin, Ting Hu, Lihua Gong. A new parallel image cryptosystem based on 5D hyper-chaotic system [J]. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2017, 52: 87-96.

15. Nanrun Zhou, Hulai Cheng, Xiangyang Tao, Lihua Gong. Three-party remote state preparation schemes based on entanglement [J]. Quantum Information Processing, 2014, 13(2): 513-526.

16. Nanrun Zhou, Tianxiang Hua, Lihua Gong, et al. Quantum image encryption based on generalized Arnold transform and double random phase encoding [J]. Quantum Information Processing, 2015, 14(4): 1193-1213.

17. Ting Hu, Ye Liu, Lihua Gong, Chunjuan Ouyang. An image encryption scheme combining chaos with cycle operation for DNA sequences [J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, 87: 51-66.

18. Nanrun Zhou, Aidi Zhang, Fen Zheng, Lihua Gong. Image compression-encryption hybrid algorithm based on key-controlled measurement matrix in compressive sensing [J]. Optics and Laser Technology, 2014, 62: 152-160. (ESI高被引论文和热点论文)
19. Ting Hu, Ye Liu, Lihua Gong, Shaofeng Guo, Hongmei Yuan. Chaotic image cryptosystem using DNA deletion and DNA insertion [J]. Signal Processing, 2017, 134: 234-243.

20. Lihua Gong, Jianfu Li, Nanrun Zhou. Continuous variable quantum network dialogue protocol based on single-mode squeezed states [J]. Laser Physics Letters, 2018, 15(10): 105204.  
21. Lihua Gong, Cheng Tian, Jianfu Li, Xiangfu Zou. Quantum network dialogue protocol based on continuous variable GHZ states [J]. Quantum Information Processing, 2018, 17(12): 331.
22.  Lihua Gong, Xiaoxiu Ding, Qibiao Zhu, Nanrun Zhou. Cooperative interference and power allocation in a bidirectional untrusted relay network with channel estimation errors [J]. IEEE Access, 2018, 6(1): 50950-50958.
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网站开发:余军     管理员信箱:zhuqibiao2006+163.com(+换成@)