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1.        Nanrun Zhou, Ye Liu, Guihua Zeng, Jin Xiong, Fuchen Zhu. Novel qubit block encryption algorithm with hybrid keysPhysica A375 (2007) 693–698.

2.        Nanrun Zhou, Lihua Gong, Ye Liu. Cascade Quantum TeleportationOptoelectronics Letters, 2006 2(6), 0455-0458.

3.        Xianggong HongPing Wang. Rules Mining Form Large Datasets Based on Rough Set2006 International Conference on Communicatiaon, Circuits and Systems Proceedings.

4.        Jin Xiong, Guihua Zeng, Nanrun Zhou. An improved quantum key distribution protocol based on second-order coherenceOptics Communications, 2006, 260(1) , 351-354.

5.        Jisheng Xu, Yuhao Wang, Zhe Wang. A Novel Measurement-Based Algorithm for Coverage Prediction of Urban and Suburban Cells in Wireless Networks, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Nov. 2006.

6.        Jin Xiong, Zheshen Zhang, Nanrun Zhou, Jinye Peng and Guihua Zeng. Unsymmetrical quantum key distribution using tripartite entanglement, Commun. Theor. Phys., 47 (2007) pp. 441–445.

7.        Liyun Hu, Nanrun Zhou. Teleportation of the squeezed entangled state, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 47 (2007) pp. 805–810.

8.        Xiaojun Wen, Yun Liu, Nanrun Zhou. Secure quantum telephone, Optics communications, 275 (2007) 278–282.

9.        Nanrun Zhou, Guihua Zeng,Yiyou Nie, Jin Xiong and Fuchen Zhu. A novel quantum block encryption algorithm based on quantum computation, Physica A, 2006, 362(2), 305-313.

10.    Zheshen Zhang, Guihua Zeng, Nanrun Zhou, Xiong Jin. Quantum identity authentication based on ping-pong technique for photons. Physics Letters A, 2006. 356(3): 199-205.

11.    Yuhao Wang, Huilin Zhou, Hong Jiang. An Enhanced Inversion Propagation Prediction Model using Simple Genetic Algorithm in Mobile Communication Networks, WICOM2007, 2007.

12.    Jing Li, Yuhao Wang, Hui Li. A Flexible Business Alliance Model for the Emerging UMTS Network Operators, WICOM2007, 2007.

13.    Yuhao Wang, Ji-sheng Xu. Performance Evaluation of Packet Mobile Communication through Wireless Fading Channel Modeling, Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 12(3):457-461,2007.

14.    Jianhua Wu, Wenhua. Qiu, Ping Wang. Moving Airplane Real-time Detecting Based on Lifting Wavelets, Proc. SPIE Vol. 6279, 62794O (Jan. 11, 2007).

15.    Yi Qiang Wu, Yong Wang, Bin Luo, Guo Ping Du. The Application in Measuring the Microwave Complex Permittivity of Cylindrical Dielectric by Using a Loading Terminal Coaxial Probe, ICEMI’2007.

16.    Ye Zhang,Yiqiang Wu, Wenquan Zhang. Using Unscented Kalman Filter for Training the Minimal Resource Allocation Neural NetworkICNC 2005.

17.    Ye. Zhang, Jianghua Wu. Unscented Kalman Filter-Trained MRAN Equalizer for Nonlinear Channels, ICONIP 2006, Part II, Lectures Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 4233), pp. 560-567, 2006, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.

18.    Xiao Mei Luo, K.M.Wong, Yiqiang Wu, Chisheng Li. The Optimal Transceiver Design via Convex Programming, ICSP 2006.

19.    Xiao Mei Luo, K.M.Wong, Yiqiang Wu, Chisheng Li. Simplified Transceiver Design for Multi-User OFDM Communication System Using Convex, ICWMMN2006.

20.    Jianhua Wu. A Novel Color Image Segmentation Method and Its Application to White Blood Cell Analysis, ICSP 2006

21.    Jin Xiong, Nanrun Zhou, Guihua Zeng. Second-order coherence of light fields with a beam Splitter, Journal of physics B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38 (2005) 4301–4308.

22.    Jin Xiong, Guihua Zeng, Nanrun Zhou. An eavesdropping detecting approach based on mode-mode correlation, Chinese Physics Letters, 2005, 22(11): 1748-1750.

23.    Le Wu, Chisheng Li, Guojin Wan. A Modified Sub-optimal Algorithm for Reducing PAPR of Multicarrier Communication Systems, ICICIC2006.

24.    Nanrun Zhou, Guihua Zeng, Wenjie Zeng, Fuchen Zhu. Cross-center quantum identification scheme based on teleportation and entanglement swapping, Optics Communications, 2005, 254(4-6), 380-388.

25.    Nanrun Zhou, Guihua Zeng. A realizable quantum encryption algorithm for qubits Chinese Physics, 2005,14(11), 2164-2169.

26.    Nanrun Zhou, Lihua Gong, Ye Liu. Cascade quantum teleportationOpto-Electronics Letters, 2006.

27.    Nanrun Zhou, et al. A novel quantum block encryption algorithm based on quantum computation, Physica A, 2006.

28.    Ye Zhang, Yiqiang Wu, Wenquan Zhang, and Yi Zheng. Using Unscented Kalman Filter for Training the Minimal Resource Allocation Neural Network, ICNC 2005, 2005.8.

29.    Ye Zhang, YiqiangWu, Guojin Wan, Wenquan Zhang. Training the Minimal Resource Allocation Network With the Unscented Kalman Filter. I, ICEMI’2005, 2005.8.

30.    Yiqiang Wu, Ye Zhang, Yi Zheng, Jinping Lu, Guojin Wan. FDTD of Analysis the Open-ended Waveguide Sensor in the Nondestructive Measurement of Complex Permittivity. ICEMI’2005, 2005.8.      

31.    Yanfen Luo, Guojin Wan, Jianhong Huang. Investigation of Neural Network in the Vector Quantization of Speech Encoding, IEEE International Confetrence on Electronic Measurement and Instruments (ICEMI 2005), 2005.8.

32.    Yuan Zhou, Jianhua Wu. A Welding Seam Recognition Method Based on Wavelet Transform and Hough TransformIEEE The Seventh International Conference on Electronic Measurement and Instruments (ICEMI’2005)2005.8.

33.    Baojuan Zou, Jianhua Wu, Hua Zhang. A New Algorithm for Segmentation of Weld Seam Images Based on Mathematical Morphology, IEEE The Seventh International Conference on Electronic Measurement and Instruments (ICEMI’2005), 2005.8.

34.    Jianhua Wu. Research on Inverse Quantization in Wavelet Image Coding, IEEE The Seventh International Conference on Electronic Measurement and Instruments (ICEMI’2005)2005.8.

35.    Chengzhi Long, Ying Xiong. Study of Technologies for All-Optical Networks2005 Seminar on Engineering Education Cooperation & Academic Research for Chinese-French Universities, 2005.5.

36.    Yuhao Wang, Jisheng Xu, Mao Tian, Xinchen Zhang. A Simple and Efficient Channel Modeling of Multipath Fading for Packet Performance Analysis, 2005 WiCom, Sept. 2005, pp: 549-552.

37.    Yi Du, Mao Tian, Yuhao Wang. An approach of intelligent optimization system for mobile communication networks, 2005 WiCom, Sept. 2005, 1079-1082.

38.    Zhe Wang, Jisheng Xu, Yuhao Wang. The Improved RCT Approach for Multi-Cell Coverage Prediction and early results, 2005 WiCom, Sept. 2005, pp: 960-963.

39.    Nanrun Zhou, Guihua Zeng. Propagation properties of Hermite-cosine-Gaussian beams through a paraxial optical ABCD system with hard-edge aperture, Optics Communications, 2004, 232(1-6 ), 49-59.

40.    Nanrun Zhou, Guihua Zeng. Propagation properties of Hermite-cosine-Gaussian beams through a paraxial optical ABCD system with hard-edge aperture, Optics Communications, 2004, 232(1-6 ), 49-59.

41.    Nanrun Zhou, et al. Quantum key agreement protocol, IEE Electronics Letters, 2004, 40(18): 1149-1150.

42.    Nanrun Zhou, et al. Algorithms for flattened Gaussian beams passing through apertured and unapertured paraxial ABCD optical systems, Optics Communications, 2004, 240(4-6):299-306.

43.    Chengliang Na, Tingxian Zhou, Lihong Li, et al. AASC: Adaptive Avoid Second-Collision Backoff algorithm for Multihop Wireless Sensor Networks. The 2nd IEEE International conference on Mobile ad Hoc and Sensor systems (MASS-2005).

44.    Yuhao Wang, Jisheng Xu, Jing Wang. A New Fast Prediction of the Coverage Area in WCDMA networks, 2004 MMET, Sept. 2004, pp:330-332.

45.    Wang Yuhao, Xu Jisheng. A new predictive algorithm for radio propagation model in WCDMA Networks, 2004 ICMMT, Aug. 2004, pp: 330-332.

46.    Xiangyang Tao, Nanrun Zhou, Baida Lü. Recurrence propagation equation of Hermite-Gaussian beams through a paraxial optical ABCD system with hard-edge aperture, Optik, 2003, 114 (3): 113-117.

47.    Jingqun Li. A fluid dynamics approach for the computation of nonlinear force-free magnetic filed, Chin. J. Astron. AstrophysVol. 3(2003), No. 3.

48.    Jianhua Wu, Christian Olivier, et al. Improved Fractal Image Coding Based on Orthogonal Transform and Mathematical MorphologyIEEE International Conference on Electronic Measurement and Instruments (ICEMI2003), 2003.8, Taiyuan China.

49.    Yinhu Zhai, Hua Zhang, Jianhua Wu, Jiyong Che. Identification and Measurement of Weld Seam in Multi-layer and Multi-pass Weld, IEEE International Conference on Electronic Measurement and Instruments (ICEMI’2003), 2003.8, Taiyuan China.

50.    Ye Zhang, Guojin Wan, Jianhua Wu. An Algorithm for Blind Equalization Based on RBF Neural network, IEEE International Conference on Electronic Measurement and Instruments (ICEMI’2003), 2003.8, Taiyuan China.

51.    Jian Jiang, Jianhua Wu, et al. The Application of Wavelet Transform in Welding Recognition, IEEE International Conference on Electronic Measurement and Instruments (ICEMI’2003)2003.8, Taiyuan China.

52.    钱峰,刘晔. 基于示波法的电子血压计实现,仪器仪表学报,2006.

53.    方安安,陆勤,叶小丽范静辉. 多点热电偶精密测试电路的硬件设计,仪器仪表学报,2006.

54.    周南润,曾贵华,朱甫臣,刘三秋. 两军问题的量子同步通信协议,上海交通大学学报,2006, 40(11): 1885-1889.

55.    周南润, 曾贵华, 朱甫臣. 一次量子通信量子密钥分发和认证协议的安全性分析,上海交通大学学报,200539(9): 171-175.

56.    王平洪向共,杨华. 基于彩色图象分割的飞机机头定位方法,中国图象图形学报, 2006(11).

57.    周南润, 曾贵华, 朱甫臣. 一次量子通信量子密钥分发和认证协议的安全性分析,上海交通大学学报,200539(9): 171-175.

58.    罗斌,多端口波导分支电桥的快速准确分析,中国科学技术大学学报,2006, 33(2).

59.    周南润,曾贵华,龚黎华,刘三秋. 基于纠缠的数据链路层量子通信协议,物理学报,200756(9): 55-58.

60.    范静辉吴建华刘晔. 基于矢量量化和区域生长的彩色图像分割新算法,中国图象图形学报,2005, 10(9):1079-1081.

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